Mental Health Tips for Online Students

Whether you’re working full time and taking classes, a full-time student or juggling classes and a family — earning your degree can be incredibly taxing on your mental health. With so much going on, we often forget to be kind to our minds. So, how can you balance your student life and your regular responsibilities?

5 Mental Health Tips for Adult Online Students:

  1. Be kind to yourself.​ Try to avoid self-criticism – you won’t ace every assignment and that’s okay.

    Make time for things that make you feel good about yourself – whether it’s a new or old hobby,

    spend time doing what you love.

  2. Take care of your physical health.​ Maintain a healthy diet and find a form of exercise that

    excites​ you! Get your body moving – it’s a great way to relieve stress.

  3. Find your support system.​ Surround yourself with good people and make time for them.

  4. Set goals and reward yourself when you reach them. ​Write down the steps you can take to

    meet your goals so you’re more likely to follow through. When you accomplish what you’ve set

    out to do, celebrate!

  5. Take time for self-care. ​No matter how packed your days get, schedule time to do ​something

    that will relax and replenish you.

And always remember that if you feel like you are in over your head, there is support that is just a phone call away. Counseling can help in every area of your life and is one of the best things you can do to improve your mental health.

by Julia Bailey