Kindness Is An Engine For Positive Change

Kindness is the engine that propels us forward, both as individuals and as a society, towards goodness and greatness.

It’s the engine that moves us to not only see the world as it is, but also as it could be by showing us the very best of human nature.

Kindness is also the engine that picks up speed the more ground it gains because kindness is contagious:

  • The more people are kind, the more people will be kind.

  • The more acts of kindness are done, the more acts of kindness will be done.

There’s no limit to the power of kindness to inspire and influence. There’s no mistaking kindness’ ability to elevate and excite.

The passion, light, and love that dares to radiate from one kind heart is all it takes to ignite a fire of feeling in another because, oftentimes, kindness is the mother of kindness.

Best of all, kindness doesn’t have to come in the form of huge, heroic acts to make an impact:

  • Small acts of kindness that occur every day accumulate over time to create change.

  • One kind act by one kind person can launch a ripple of kindness that moves across the world.

Smile by smile, moment by moment, and kind action by kind action — kindness builds.

Like money and information, kindness compounds.

No act of kindness is too small to matter. No act of kindness is too tiny to touch.

Brave acts of human kindness can counter cowardly acts of cruelty, and little acts of kindness can inspire large change.

Let’s Use Kindness To Drive Change

If kindness helps us be our best and kindness is contagious, then let’s intentionally spread kindness to change the world and our lives for the better:

  • Let’s be kind to others by offering inspiring words of encouragement, sharing helpful resources, and performing acts of kindness – to both loved ones and strangers alike – to create the world we want.

  • Let’s be kind to ourselves by striving to reach our greatest heights, freeing ourselves from the pain of past disappointments, and resolving to do our best to be our best — even when it’s hard — to become the people we want.

Most of all, let’s not wait.

Let’s not wish.

Let’s not hope our lives, our world, or our future will be better simply because we want them to be better.

Instead, let’s act:

  • Let’s act kindly, every day, by doing acts of kindness — big, small, random, or otherwise — to not only make the world a better place, but to also make our lives and our relationships better, too.

  • Let’s act boldly, in every way, to move ourselves in the direction of our dreams and use our lives to do the most good for as long as we’re lucky to live.

  • Let’s act now — right now — to create smiles, brighten days, and be unstoppable forces for good who don’t just preach kindness, but practice kindness.

by Kindness is Everything