Kindness And Compassion: Why You Should Indulge In It

We often associate charity, philanthropy, and altruism with the rich and famous.

Generosity doesn’t have to be a big production; it can begin with just being kind. Simple, random acts of kindness. Not mammoth black gown events only.

When we’re kind, we inspire others to be kind, and it actually creates a ripple effect that spreads.

The benefits of kindness are priceless:

1. Better Health
You don’t need to go on a shopping spree or a run to feel a high, engaging in acts of kindness produces endorphins—the brain’s natural painkiller—which reduces stress. One study showed, perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol (the stress hormone) than their less kind peers, and some studies go as far as to say that serving others can increase lifespan.

2. Happier
The gift of giving (either time or a physical gift) causes more joy than the gift of receiving. Especially when the action was not dependent on a “thank you”. When we’re thinking about, planning for, and being compassionate, without expectations, we become happier individuals.

3. More Successful

According to the author of "The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life", Piero Ferrucci, kindness is synonymous with mental health.

Honesty, forgiveness, trust, and humility are among the qualities that make up kindness according to Italian psychotherapist Ferrucci.

Students that demonstrate humility, which Ferrucci calls a ‘quality of kindness,’ have been shown to study more and perform more successfully on tests. “Being humble means you work harder and prepare yourself better,” he pointed out.

4. It fosters greater empathy skills in you
When we offer kindness and compassion to others, we are also offering them a safe space to be who they are. Everyone wants to be accepted as they are. With the opportunity to hear another’s unvarnished story, our capacity for empathy develops. Not only does our empathy brings relief to the person in front of us, but it also can make us feel more satisfied with life according to studies.

5. You are considered more attractive
Recent studies reveal that those who are kind to their fellow humans are also deemed more attractive. The quality of kindness in both sexes represents a primal need of security at some level.

6. It promotes better relationships
Not that any of your actions should be based on reciprocity, but do know that kindness begets kindness. So it makes sense that when we are compassionate with those in our lives, they are more likely to be kind to us in return. All our relationships improve where kindness has been injected. It lowers barriers and fosters better communication.

7. Kindness creates better and stronger connections with others

When we lead a compassionate life, we feel a greater connection to others. Due to factors such as an accelerated pace of life, and new technologies, we, unfortunately, find ourselves in a bubble where the heart is excluded. Acts of compassion and kindness are our ways to reconnect. They can help us, and those around us, feel a deeper sense of kinship and belonging.

Everyone has their own demons and is fighting their own fight. You don’t always know why they have been mean to you or why they have said or done certain things. We tend to second guess the person form opinions and barriers towards them. Be cognizant of the fact that each person you meet could be struggling in his or her own way and being kind might remind them that they, too, should be kind. Maybe all that person simply needs is kindness to make their day better or change their outlook. Being kind can be a way to positively alter someone’s dark mood. Though you may not always see the impact of your kindness, it still exists and it still matters.

The question that you should ask is “How can I help?” as opposed to “What can I get?” If we all did that the world would take such a different shape.

We must endeavor to take that first step toward serving the greater good. When we elevate one, we elevate all, one person at a time. Only then can we begin to transform the world. It is only then the better world we dream of becomes a reality.

Stand on each other’s shoulders to elevate us to our ultimate accomplishments. This is a testament to a new tomorrow. This is the legacy we can be proud to leave our children. Move from an attitude of competition to one of collaboration and cooperation. From wanting and receiving to giving in all ways possible.

Above all else, remember that kindness and compassion begin with self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Practicing kindness and compassion with others develop naturally into a practice of compassion with ourselves (the person we can often be hardest on). When we’re kind to others, we get the opportunity to exercise self-love and forgiveness.

Being kind to yourself is one of those things that sounds easy in conversation but difficult in practice. Turn generosity inwards, do acts that allow you to appreciate yourself, reflect and grow. It’s a slow process, which requires consistent work. Growth—in any form—is never easy. It takes patience, persistence, and self-compassion, a reminder we need more than once per day.

Being kind to yourself isn’t about feeling good. Sometimes it means doing things we don’t want to, and sometimes it means not doing what we inherently want to. After all, doing what feels good isn’t always what’s best for us. But taking the time to compliment yourself, to nurture your self-compassion, sends a message to future you that she matters. That’s a gift worth presenting.

By Nina Kler