Gratitude, valuing the generosity of others



Gratitude is the virtue that leads us to become aware of the gifts we receive every day, to value the generosity of the one who gives them and to move our will to correspond to these gifts, take advantage of them, develop their jobs and put them at the service of appliance repair others.


Help our children and students to give thanks for what they have and for what they are, instead of lamenting for what they do not have or would like to be, since gratitude helps maturity and personal enrichment.

Achieve in our children and students the experience of gratitude as a habitual attitude in dealing with others, since it leads us to realize that all people can give something good. Be grateful to all people.

Teach our children and students to be grateful for life itself, an infinite and gift. This gratitude must translate into living life fully in accordance with the purpose for which we were created. Thank with our own life who gave it to us. One way to give thanks is to contribute your own life.

Learn to be attentive, stop and enjoy moments of happiness, spontaneous and simple joy. Happy moments are presented to us for free and without waiting for them, so we must not lose the capacity for wonder and gratitude in the face of what is apparently small. For children to be able to stop and discover these moments, we need to foster in them a constant attitude of open heart and gratitude.

Why are we interested in promoting the virtue of gratitude?

Because it is a very difficult virtue to find in the world and therefore infinitely valuable; it allows us to enjoy and live with joy and joy who we are and what we have and receive.

Because it is the virtue that helps us make others happy without sacrifices or great efforts. A thank you and a smile can change the day of the recipient.

Because in this way the child will experience that by giving thanks, inner peace grows, and the noblest feelings are reinforced.

Because the child will experience that gratitude leads to other human feelings: peace, cordiality, reciprocity. You will understand that gratitude leads to the most pleasant and peaceful human coexistence, because it implies humility and the ability to give ourselves to others.

Because the child will discover that gratitude arises from the habit of always looking at the good and will transform it into a habit in his life. Those who have nothing to be thankful for is because they only notice the bad.

Because the child will acquire the habit of giving thanks for what he has and not regretting what he is not or would like to have.

Because the child will understand that gratitude leads them to seek the necessary means to achieve our goals.

Because the child will experience the gratitude that leads us to stop regretting ourselves and discover the needs of others, putting our gifts at their service.

Because the child will realize that the lack of gratitude allows and produces feelings of unhappiness before what we do not have or are, and that, according to us, we deserve. And by living gratitude, you will eliminate this potential source of sadness and unhappiness from your life.

Because the child will experience in being grateful the possibility of enjoying things more and living more calmly.

Because the child will assume that the way to be grateful for the life that has been given to us is to live it fully and happily, since we have been created for that.

Because the child will understand that gratitude implies making good use of the gifts received, without wasting them or using them badly; and therefore, that it must seek to make them grow, develop and put them at the service of others,

Because the child will learn that gratitude is an attitude that arises from the depths of the person. It cannot be pretended or disguised.

Because the child will value moments of happiness, of spontaneous and simple joy and will live attentive to discovering them, enjoying them, and provoking them in their relationships with others.

Adi Am

KindnessDrew Bartkiewicz