The Health With IN

Over a year’s time I have lost 50 pounds. Once the weight was lost I did not know how much my outlook on life would change tremendously.  I truly have been in the mindset of continuing to move forward and make the changes needed to live a healthier life. 

It was extremely important to me to make the lifestyle changes needed because going back to how I was previously was definitely not an option.  In addition, I did not know how many health conversations I would enjoy being in.  I enjoyed explaining how I reached my weight loss goals that I have worked so hard to accomplish.

1. You Have To Want the Change

Before the process begins the decision has to be made that this is what is needed and the end goal will be reached. This process will not work if the change is not wanted. It is truly an all in type of deal.  It has to be a mindset of this is something that will be done no matter what. The results will not happen overnight and results do not arrive in a short amount of time.  

2. A Lifestyle Mindset

Moving forward on this wonderful new journey it is extremely important to be in the mindset that the health change should be a lifestyle change that will be ongoing and that it will be a part of living your best life. It will also inspire you to continue on in this new frame of mind. For me, the route I took for my weight loss was a natural way. The way of changing my mindset and being disciplined.  I truly made up in my mind that I was going to do this.  It was truly a mindset change.

3. Living Your Best Life

One of the main reasons you should go through this process and want to do this is because you want to live your best life. This is such an important aspect of life. When you decide to take this journey and want to start this should be the main reason for wanting to go down the path of health. Also, your health is important and health is wealth.  Once you begin to turn the corner  during your process you will begin to realize  this is such a wonderful feeling.  Live your best life and love yourself.

4. Healthy Eating

An extremely important part of this process is eating healthy. I know we all enjoy a certain type of food like burgers, pizza, soul food, and Italian beef. However, it is extremely important that you eat healthy most of the time. When I really was into this process I was in the mindset that I would have to cut out certain things.  It is important that you eat healthily and not just here and there. Really eat clean every day and not eat certain foods. To achieve the goals that you want to achieve  you cannot set yourself back by eating the wrong foods, which will  set you back.  In addition, cheat days are fine , however having a cheat  meal is better so you don’t set yourself back on the progress you have made. 

5. The Importance of Support

As you start this process, it is extremely important to have a support group or person that will support you along the journey. You should not take this journey alone. It helps to have someone to support you as you go through this changing journey.  Have a support element to help you through this process.  An accountability partner is also a valuable asset..  In addition, find good media content to help with the journey. There are very good podcasts and online content and television shows which are  good support sources. 

6. Enjoy the Journey

Once you begin to take this Journey of change, look at this journey in a positive way.  Look at this as a positive change you are doing and have fun with the process.  Once I began to get serious  into the process and results began to show I really enjoyed making the changes and seeing the results. In the beginning, it was not easy. However, I continued on my lifestyle change.   Enjoy the process and the changes.  Enjoy the process and feel good knowing you are making changes for the betterment of your life and health.

By Ted Hardaway

HealthDrew Bartkiewiczhealth