Tips for Teens on Living a Healthy Life

Whether you are a teen or you’re currently raising one, you may have been bombarded with information regarding teenage health and wellness. Now, more than ever before, advice for staying healthy is targeted at this age group. Why? Perhaps it’s the overall decline in health of all people, or perhaps it’s that people are finally waking up to the idea that good health starts at a young age. Whatever the reason, it’s a good idea to pay attention! Take a look at these tips to get the teenager in your life moving toward a healthier life for good.

Pay Attention to Your Diet … But Don’t Diet

Just like the rest of us, many teenagers are tempted to join the newest diet craze in order to stay thin. But the goal should not be to stay thin, but rather to stay as healthy as possible. This means avoiding those crazy fad diets and eating a well balanced diet instead. Fill your plate with fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and healthy snacks. Avoid junk food, fried food, and sugary snacks as much as possible. Except for very specific circumstances (and under the guidance of a doctor), now is not the time to diet. It’s time to improve the menu and eat a little better every day.

Begin Healthy Hobbies Now

Video games and Netflix binges with friends are a ton of fun. But don’t forget that the hobbies that you pick up now may last a lifetime. Why not join in on something active? Pick up a hobby that requires body movement. As you get older, this hobby may stick, and getting in enough exercise or burning enough calories will be easier because it will already be a part of your life. Do it now,  while you have the energy, and you’re setting yourself up for much better health in the future.

Get Informed

One of the best things about the teenage mind is that it is so curious. Channel that curiosity into learning about healthy living. Learn what exercises produce what results. Learn which foods are the best for basic better health. Learn the way in which your body works and responds to different health measures. The more informed you become, the easier it is to incorporate change, see results, and live a life of health and success.

Getting and staying healthy is something that should be done continuously over time. It’s not a one-time project and then you’re done; it’s a lifelong process. To get you or the teens in your life moving toward better health, incorporate these tips today. A little prevention and knowledge can go a long way in maintaining a healthy life and habits for a lifetime.

by Genevieve Cunningham