How to Stay Mentally Healthy Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic


n addition to what everyone knows about hand washing and social distancing to help mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus, here are a few more suggestions to help us all deal with stress associated with this pandemic in a healthy way.

  1. Social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. Reach out to your friends and family and talk and connect via phone or FaceTime. With all of the technology we have at our fingertips, make use of your social network to not be isolated.

  2. Reach out to a neighbor who may need help. Be mindful if you have a neighbor who may be in the at-risk population and if you are heading out to the store, ask them if they need anything that you can pick up. This will not only help them, it will also help you. Simple acts like these can go a long way and can also make us feel better.

  3. Exercise. During stressful times going outside and taking a brisk walk can help you relax, boost your mood and help you in managing your stress levels.

  4. Eat a healthy diet – research has shown that what you eat—and don’t eat—affects the way you think and feel.

  5. Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is a depressant and drinking too much can often make your mood and anxiety levels worse.

  6. Get enough sleep. Make sure to put self-care as a priority and do your best to get enough sleep. Sleep has many benefits and during stressful times it can help aid in keeping your mind and body healthy.

  7. Consume the news in moderation. While it is important to stay informed and up to date on the latest information about the Coronavirus, too much information adds to our stress levels. The repetitive nature of the news reports is not good for our mental health. Once you are informed, turn off the news and read a book, watch a good television show or feel-good movie. Now would be an excellent time to ask friends for recommendations of series to watch on Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Showtime, etc.

Most importantly, know that being anxious in this time is a completely normal response to stress. Should the stress be too much for you to take, please seek professional help for yourself, if necessary. We have faced other difficult times in the past and with proper care we will get through this too.

by Brain and Behavior