What It Means to Be Committed to a Job

Your boss wants employees who feel passionate about what they're doing. No business can survive for long unless employees have a personal investment in its success. Committed employees do whatever it takes to excel, even if it means taking on extra tasks, or staying beyond their allotted schedule. Savvy employers reward these work habits by offering chances for advancement – which reduces turnover, and attracts other applicants who are willing to show the same degree of commitment.

Customer Engagement

Employers get the best results by modeling a customer-focused leadership style. If you're committed to your job, you already recognize that satisfaction means going beyond the bare minimum expectations of making customers happy. You understand the virtue of customer loyalty, make customers feel like they're partners in the organization's long-term success, and show an eagerness to promote its products and services in your conversations with them.

Professional Development

Showing vocal enthusiasm about your job goes nowhere unless you're willing to grow professionally. The chance to learn new things is directly tied to employees' hopes for advancement. Such concerns rank 11th in employees' conditions for feeling satisfied with a job. Good employees realize that there's always a way to do something better, and they are willing to pursue opportunities that allow them to take stronger roles in how a company functions.

Steady Job History

Your professional track record provides the best evidence of your commitment. Employees who change jobs too often in a short time period risk pushing themselves out of their chosen industry. Holding two or more jobs years in five years poses a big red flag for recruiters, because it suggests you won't stick around long enough to build your skills at a particular company. The scenario also suggests that the problem lies with you, not any former employers.

Strong Work Ethic

From an employer's standpoint, one of the most obvious signs of commitment is how employees approach the length of their workday. Good employees accept that sometimes, they might have to show up early – or stay later – to help a company accomplish its mission. By contrast, workers who can't wait to punch out at 5:00 are probably more concerned about the employer's ability to make payroll, and less interested in the organization's welfare – or their own role there.

Performance and Contributions

Committed workers take their job duties seriously and continually strive for excellence and maximum productivity. Innovation and ingenuity can help you stand out in the workforce and get noticed for promotional opportunities. Coming up with helpful, new ideas shows your boss that you have a personal stake and investment in the organization’s performance. Offer suggestions in a helpful, constructive way, not in a critical or blaming tone.

Ralph Heibutzki

Life SkillsDrew Bartkiewicz