Want to Be Both Productive and Balanced?

  • Effective planning can do wonders for your productivity.

  • Spend downtime efficiently so that you may have more free time to do what you want when you are “off.”

  • Consider chunking your work tasks while making personal commitments a priority.

Is it possible to be productive and balanced at the same time? This article provides some tips to enhance productivity and overall effectiveness while maintaining sanity and space.

Consider these basic time management principles:

1) Do not attempt to multitask. Rather, set a strict schedule and stick to it. Plan to complete one task at a time and then move to the next. Worried about that unexpected call or urgent matter? Pad each hour of your schedule with 5 free minutes. So, work for 55 minutes straight without responding to emails or texts. Then, spend 5 minutes replying and returning calls at the end of the hour. Chunking work time allows you to produce quality work in a shorter period of time, avoiding interruptions.

2) Under-promise and over-deliver. If you think that a task will take one day to complete, promise to deliver it to the customer in 2 days. That way, if there is an emergency, you can still meet the deadline. And, if everything runs like clockwork, then you can hand it in early and “wow” the customer.

Still Can’t Focus?

1) Set a timer on your smartphone for 25 minutes. Commit to yourself that you will work on just this one task until the timer goes off.

2) Come up with a cute jingle, like: “I will stay on task, so the task won't last.” Say it to yourself whenever your mind wanders or whenever your phone buzzes.

Take Advantage of Those Extra Minutes

Are you sitting in a long line at carpool? Do you have a decent break before your next meeting? Use those minutes wisely. This is a perfect opportunity to clear out your email inbox. You can also catch up on industry-related or personal reading. You may even call an old friend.

When we complete an activity (or two!) that we can cross off of our to-do list, then the time is not wasted but rather productive. It always feels good to take care of idle tasks that we may not otherwise have time to complete. It also frees up our time so that we may truly relax when we finally make it back home.

Working from Home? Consider the Split-Shift Method

If you work from a home office, consider the split-shift method to maintain a solid work-life balance. You may find that you can get more work done while the house is quiet, so strive to be extra efficient when children are at school or at camp. Then, take a break from your work to help with homework, make dinner, or engage in quality family time. After the children are settled, jump back into work, if needed.

But, beware of the potential for burnout. Set a strict end-time for your workday. Consider using a meditation app to help unwind and drift off to sleep. Remember that a good night’s rest is key to maintaining emotional wellbeing and ensuring overall productivity.

Make Work-Life Balance a Goal

1. Schedule time for fun. If we don’t schedule it, it may not happen. Take note of those things that specifically make you feel balanced. Commit to doing those things more regularly. Schedule time for fun and treat that appointment as seriously as you would an appointment for work.

2. Enjoy the simple things. Delight in the routine aspects of daily life, and not just in momentous occasions. Breathe in the scent of a beautiful flower or chat with the person sitting next to you on the plane.

3. Be your own personal coach. You know yourself best. Methodically increase those things that make you feel balanced while decreasing those activities that throw you out of whack.

Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph.D.

Life SkillsDrew Bartkiewicz