How to Easily Make an Impact on Someone’s Life

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives”

– Jackie Robinson

Perhaps the most powerful influence in our lives comes from the relationships we pursue.  They have the ability to influence our thinking, attitude, and views.  And these same relationships give us the opportunity to positively make an impact on the lives of others. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17. 


However, to make an impact on another, it starts with you and your life. You see people watch us in ways that we’re not even aware of. Because of this, how you live your life will have the greatest impact on others. To easily make an impact on someone’s life start here:

1. Examine Your Character

Character is defined as the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves. It includes both your mental and moral qualities. In other words, our character comes down to the consistent way we think and speak.

It’s important to understand that the habits we acquire shape our character. Think about how you handle stress or respond to adversity? What fills your time, your minutes, hours, and days? What are you consuming, hearing, and seeing? All of these make up your character.

Now ask yourself is your character such that you can positively impact another’s life? Here is the thing about character, you have complete control over it. How you choose to respond to a situation is up to you. You have the opportunity to truly make an impact on someone’s life, by how you shape your character.

2. Be an Example

The best way to make an impact on someone’s life is to be an example to the person you are hoping to impact. Are you focused on and pursuing those things that give your own life purpose? How are you seeking to grow as an individual and become a better person? Do you let others know that you are open to hearing about ways you can improve? In other words, do you have a teachable spirit?

These are all ways in which you can be an example in a manner that will impact someone else.

3. Fill your Mind With Useful Information

We are to guard what we see and hear because it affects how we think. So it’s important to avoid cluttering your brain with useless information. If you fill your mind with senseless information, think tv sitcoms and the internet or youtube videos, that’s what will come out.

But, when you fill your mind with positive, encouraging, insightful, and valuable information that will allow you to grow and flourish, you’re going to have a greater impact on someone else. Keep your thoughts focused on what really matters and what will help you grow as an individual.

In applying the above principles to your own life, you’ll make an impact on another’s life with these nine simple acts.

1. Smile More

When you’re regularly smiling, you are more approachable. Not only that, but smiling is attractive and people will be attracted to you. As people gravitate toward you, you’ll have a greater opportunity to make an impact on their life.

2. Remember Names

This is such a simple thing but makes a huge impact. Think about it, don’t you instantly feel good when someone you just met remembers your name? When you remember someone’s name they feel positive about themselves and about you.

A great way to help you remember someone’s name is to immediately repeat their name when first introduced to them. Try and use their name during your conversation and be sure to repeat their name when you are departing.

3. Look People in the Eye

Looking someone in the eye during your conversation shows them that you are genuinely interested in talking with them. When someone believes you are interested, they will be much more receptive to you and to the things you have to say.

4. Ask Questions

Before you can truly impact another’s life, it’s super helpful to know what is going on in their life. You should know what their goals and dreams are and how they’re feeling. By asking questions you learn how and where you can have the greatest impact. Asking questions has the added benefit of showing that you are interested in their life, which makes them more open and receptive to what you have to say.

5. Listen Carefully

It doesn’t do a whole lot of good to ask a bunch of questions if you don’t take the time to truly listen. The most powerful way to make someone feel like you’re interested is to truly listen.

When you really listen to the person speaking, you acknowledge their feelings and affirm them. Be positive as you listen. You can even repeat their words to them so they know that you are indeed listening. Often, just having someone listen to you, is enough to leave a positive impact on their life.

6. Show Kindness

We live in a culture that doesn’t properly value kindness, respect, and generosity. We are surrounded by a “me” mentality. When you genuinely show kindness, respect, and generosity to others they are impacted because it’s not common. You’ll be remembered and they will feel supported.

7. Spend Time with Them

It’s hard to have a true impact on another when you don’t spend time together. Being present, face to face sends a powerful message that you’re willing to take time out of your schedule to be with them.

People are more open in a face to face conversation, not just more open with what they are willing to share, but more open to receiving what you have to say.

Good intentions only go so far, spending time face to face allows you to stop and help right then and there.

8. Be their Accountability Partner

Have you ever really wanted to accomplish something positive in your life? Maybe a goal that was important to you, but you just really struggled to stay consistent? Having someone to encourage, motivate, and cheer you on, can make all the difference in your success.

Having someone who is willing to regularly check in on you, and ask how things are going, is such a wonderful way to impact their lives. By doing this, you’re holding them accountable to achieve the goals they want to achieve. Plus, you’re helping them achieve their dreams simply by regularly ask them how they are doing.

9. Pray for Them

Sometimes there is nothing more impactful for a person than to know that they have someone who is regularly praying for them. A simple text “hey just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you about…” Or ask them how you can be praying for them. A willingness to pray for another shows that you genuinely care.

It really doesn’t take much to impact someone’s life in a positive way. Pick one or two of these tips today and make a commitment to implement them to impact someone’s life. The best part is that in doing so, you’ll increase the positivity in your own life.

I would love to know, have you ever had someone that you felt truly impacted your life in a positive way, or have you ever had that impact on another. Tell us about it in the comments.

It’s My Favorite Day

Drew Bartkiewicz