The Power of a Good Laugh

When life throws us curveballs, it is common to feel sad, negative, and depressed. While we should not suppress feelings of sadness, we should also take the necessary steps to reach a happier, more solid ground. Humor can help with this.

Humor Lowers Stress

The physical act of laughing releases endorphins that make us feel good. When we are happier, stress dissipates. Consider a time of immense stress or sadness. It is not uncommon during that period for someone to say something awkwardly funny. That humor, albeit out of place, is what breaks the tensions and strengthens bonds and relationships.

We can bring this same need for levity to the workplace. The adage, “Those who love their work never work a day in their lives” is true. Humor equates to fun. When we have fun, we enjoy what we do, and even the most tedious tasks are not as stressful. It is a trend in many organizations to emphasize work-life balance. Some companies set the bar by incorporating time (and set areas) to play, have fun, and laugh at work. These initiatives lower stress levels and, ultimately, increase productivity.

Humor Facilitates and Strengthens Relationships

When we laugh with others, we create memories and strengthen our relationships. People remember how others make them feel. When someone is funny, she makes others feel good. She is often also seen as personable and relatable. Further, we often connect to those who are happy and funny. Many want to spend time with others who have a positive outlook and disposition.

Sadly, some use humor to cover up insecurities or hide from their true feelings. This is not ideal. But the raw “childlike joy” that comes from a good belly laugh cannot be minimized. Many happy memories are of those bonds formed over laughter and joy.

Humor Diffuses Uncomfortable Situations at Work

Humor diffuses difficult work situations. For instance, when a leader can make fun of himself, employees find the leader to be more relatable. This promotes better overall rapport and increased productivity. When we are funny, others want to be around us. Team meetings are more palatable. And more work gets done because employees are communicating and relating to one another.

So, of course, there is a time and a place for humor. And we can overuse humor. But, finding that happy medium and knowing when to insert a good joke can help to ease tension, strengthen bonds, and make the workplace a more comfortable and productive environment.

Tip: For the next week, find one thing that makes you laugh every day. See how those few minutes positively impact your attitude and emotional state.

Amy Cooper Hakim, PhD

HappinessDrew Bartkiewicz