Hope Helps

Did you just start college? Just sent your daughter or son off to school? Here's a sobering statistic--there is about a 50% chance that students will drop out, if not after the first year, then perhaps in the second or third.

What kind of inoculation is there against this fate?

After six years of research, my studies suggest that high hopes should help you or your children not only stay in school, but do well academically.

I asked 100 men and 100 women entering college to rate the accuracy of eight statements such as: "There are lots of ways around any problem" and "I energetically pursue my goals."

The more hopeful students proved to have all around greater success in college. In fact, aspirations predicted achievement better than standardized tests: Students with lower expectations averaged C's, while those with higher hopes earned B's. And more of the hopeful students ultimately graduated.

We have also found that high expectations predict superior psychological adjustment, health-related benefits, better athletic achievements and elevated coping skills in all aspects of life.

So, send a little hope with your kids as they leave for college, and save a dose for yourself, too.

C.R. Snyder Ph.D., Director of the Graduate Training Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Kansas