The Pillars of Happiness

Finding happiness will always be an ongoing process. As people strive to create a meaningful and joyful life, cultivating certain behaviors can help, including meaning, authenticity, optimism, gratitude, compassion, and generosity.

How do you determine what makes you happy?

Living according to your values is a central component in the pursuit of happiness. If you don’t know which values are important to you, try this thought experiment: If you could wave a magic wand and instantly have everyone’s approval and admiration, what would you choose to do with your life? Take steps that adhere to those personal values.

How do you make a habit of happiness?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for happiness, but certain steps can help people achieve more happiness on a daily basis, such as this five-step process. One is to take responsibility for your happiness, acknowledging that you can change your circumstances by taking action. Others are to put yourself first and practice living in the present moment.

How can you become more optimistic?

Reformulating how you think about the underlying cause of negative events makes clear that optimism can be learned. Attributing a mistake or failure to insufficient effort rather than to a lack of ability provides motivation for people to improve and succeed the next time, research suggests.

How do you practice gratitude?

People who cultivate gratitude tend to better appreciate and enjoy life, as gratitude creates satisfaction that isn’t dependent on outside sources. To practice gratitude, reflect on what you’re grateful for each morning to shape the rest of the day, keep a gratitude journal, and reframe negative experiences by finding something within them for which you’re grateful.

How can you live authentically?

Authenticity is a cornerstone of mental health, connected to self-esteem, vitality, and well-being. Societal norms and expectations sometimes lead people to act in ways that don’t align with their true self. Exploring your behavior and challenging those underlying assumptions can help you lead a more authentic life.

How do you make your life meaningful?

A meaningful life can be defined as one having worth or value. People can then find meaning by creating value, such as by composing a beautiful song, forging a loving relationship, or committing to moral righteousness. Creating that value is an ability that can be learned and practiced.

How do you practice compassion and generosity?

Compassion is an undervalued key to happiness. Anxiety and depression are self-focused states, and helping others broadens perspective and dissolves self-focus. While money or possessions can provide short-term happiness, research suggests that compassion and service lead to long term happiness, health, and wisdom.

by Psychology Today