Building a Winner’s Character

Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself in a job that you didn’t want to be in? Or where you were given a project to do at school or work that you really weren’t excited about, let alone wanted to do?

What choice did you make when you were confronted with these situations?

Did you decide to give it your very best? Or did you do just enough, but not really enough, because you knew it wasn’t something you cared about or wanted to do?

Too often, people sell themselves short without realizing what they are doing when they settle for a lackluster effort. In reality, they are creating a character of mediocrity and laziness.

Then one day, the right job or opportunity comes along and they find themselves lacking in character to give it their very best.

I know some of you will challenge me and say that under these circumstances people will rise to the occasion. I would argue that when you are accustomed to only giving 50%-80% all of the time, you will find it difficult to give 100% when you need to. How many times have you said or heard someone else say, “You can’t change a leopard’s spots”?

In all my years in business, I have known so many people with incredible talent that were lacking in character; and they could not understand why they were not getting the promotion or earning more money.

They always looked outside of themselves for the reason, or to place the blame.

You have a choice regarding what type of character you have. You have the ability to change, and to create the life that you desire and deserve.

Make It Happen…Action Steps

* Remember… Winners develop the habit of doing the things that losers don’t like to do

* Be aware of how you talk to yourself and others

* Remember that your thoughts become your actions… your actions create your habits… and your habits create your character

* If you want to change something about your character, start by changing the way you think

* Create the winning habit of always doing more than you are paid to do

* Look at each challenge as an opportunity

* Always do your best

* Accept change

* Act on reality

Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.


CharacterDrew Bartkiewicz