Effortless Happiness!

Don’t make efforts to be happy, just be happy.

Yesterday, when I was having a group call with my friends, I could judge one of them was little upset. I planned to connect to her separately, to clear my doubts. When I called her and indirectly tried to understand the reason of the sadness in her eyes. What I came across was something that was nothing new. She was really upset, and not because of a single reason but there was a long list of her problems, which as per me didn’t seem to be so critical or worth pondering and paying attention to. 

She started from current situations, which we all are well aware of and went on to narrating all her problems ranging back to the time she was unmarried. I must mention that she had been married since 20 years and had two teenager kids. After listening to her problems, I simply asked her, ‘What will make you happy?’ She took a long pause to think about it, and said ‘When the present situation will get over and everything will be back to normal.’ 

So, you want to say that once the situation is under control & everything gets back to normal, that will be an end to all your problems?

Again, a long pause and she replied, “How can I say that?”

Then, ‘How can you say that when everything will be back to normal, you will be happy?

If we always focus our attention to search the problem in all situations and if we always link our happiness to some external factor or event, then we can never be happy forever. This kind of happiness is temporary and short lived. It may vanish with a blink of eye. Just like when we run after a butterfly to catch it, after chasing it for long that aha moment we are able to catch it and hold it in our hands, we feel on cloud nine. And the next moment we release our hands to let it go and our happiness also vanishes.

We should not link our happiness only to an achievement or event. Let our happiness be independent. When we make conscious efforts to be happy, we are always in search of those moments that can make us happy.

“When I will go on Holiday, I will be happy.”“When I get promotion, I will be happy.”“When my kids will grow up, I will be happy.”“When my sales increases, I will be happy.””When the situation becomes normal, I will be happy”. And the list never ends…

Just like we breathe sub-consciously, we should be happy effortlessly.

We should not always look for the reasons to be happy, when we can create happiness in the present moment itself. When the future is uncertain, how can we be certain of happiness in future.

Don’t chase happiness, just be in present and enjoy the moment. Don’t make efforts to be happy, just be happy without any reason, and nature will provide abundant reasons to validate the happiness.

Count your blessings and be grateful for what you possess. Be grateful for what you have and don’t only crib about what is missing.

Be kind and help others, whenever you can. You will sow the seeds of love and the trees will always be there to provide you the shade. Happiness always multiplies on sharing.

Appreciate others for what they deserve and spread happiness. The more you share happiness, the more it comes back to you. Appreciation is the best way of making others happy. Be generous when you appreciate, it won’t cost you anything, but for the other, it may transform their world.

Be in acceptance mode, most of the times and not in denial mode. Life will become easy, as it is already too short to waste on the hunt for happiness. Embrace every moment happily.

Don’t make happiness a goal, it’s the journey, so enjoy it.

Remember: If you are not happy now, you will not be happy then.
So, Just be happy effortlessly!

By Poonam Madaan