How to Get Motivated - And Stay That Way!

Whether you’re making changes to live a healthier life or continuing on your wellness journey, consider these helpful tips to keep yourself motivated and moving in the direction you want.

Three Ways To Stay Motivated

1. Inspiration

Goal setting happens throughout our lives- but it’s the inspiration that moves us along!

  • Motivational Boards

A motivational board is filled with words of encouragement, goals and more. You can post this in your office, bedroom, or simply keep a couple of inspiring post-it notes on your bathroom mirror.

Your board is whatever you want it to be. It can include a statement of purpose and all of the support around why you want to achieve your goal. For example, If your goal is to lose 10 pounds because you want to focus on your heart health- you can write just that.

Surround your goal with reasons it’s important to you. Such as:

  • Being more active with your loved ones

  • To have more energy for your next vacation.

Just want a way to keep yourself in a positive mindset? Fill your board with images and quotes that inspire you.

  • Journaling

Celebrate your successes (yes, even making 10 minutes for fitness in your day is a success!) by writing them down. You can write about your routine, time you spent dedicated to your wellness, how you felt after the success or even just a note of inspiration for yourself.

Make it a point to look back at your journal to reflect on your journey and inspire yourself to keep it going.

2. Keeping Tabs

One way to stay motivated is to find a way to track your progress and your successes!

Set A Schedule Schedules can help keep you on task in your daily activates. Use a calendar to choose days when you’ll have time to incorporate a workout.

On days when you can’t get a full workout in, find 10-15 minutes for stretching, balance coordination or meditation to keep your wellness a priority every day of the week.

  • Health and Wellness Apps

Fitness apps are a helpful guide for those starting out, have busy schedules or are on a budget. From accountability to inspiration, these apps can provide you with a way to check in with yourself, document your progress and find new routines to keep things interesting.

3. Measure Your Success

  • Ignore the Scale

Do you feel disappointed or discouraged when you jump on that scale? If this is causing you stress, just keep in mind that the number on the scale doesn’t tell the whole story.

Your weight can be a reflection of water retention, muscle development and more.

Consider tossing that scale and instead pay attention to:

  • How your clothes fit

  • What your energy levels are like

  • How you’re feeling emotionally.

These are all strong indicators of progress that can’t be measured in weight and are a better way to get a holistic picture of your wellness journey.

  • Add Something New

Whether it’s a new fitness class, a pair of shoes you can get excited about or convincing a friend to join you at the gym or on your walk. Adding something new to your wellness pursuits will keep you motivated.

There is always something new and interesting you can try to get yourself inspired. Variety can be the key to keeping yourself on this journey.

by Jasmine Young