How We Handle Challenges Reveals Our Character

Life is full of obstacles. Each and every one of us faces some type of adversity during our short time on this earth. It is not a matter of if something will be thrown our way, but when.

The true personal test comes in the form of our response. How we handle our challenges will reveal our actual character.

I recently came across the story of Connor Williams. Odds are good that like me, you had not heard of him before. But also like me, I hope you do not soon forget his story, either.

Connor grew up overweight, always being the largest kid in class. Given his size, he was picked on mercilessly by classmates. To make matters worse, he had a speech impediment that made public speaking a nightmare.

As time passed, Connor went through his formative years without friends and knowing only pain and rejection. As hard as he tried to fit in, other kids pushed him out.

By the time high school approached, he decided to make a change. With the help of his father, he made his own home gym and worked every day to transform his body from being a figurative punching bag for other kids into something different.

Connor continued his transformation by picking up a few different sports. With his hard work and dedication, he soon received scholarship offers from schools around the country. After a college career at the University of Texas, Connor Williams heard his name called as the Dallas Cowboys selected him in the second round of the 2018 NFL draft.

We all love underdog stories, but this one is slightly different. What makes Connor so interesting is not that he made a bad situation into a multimillion dollar football career, but rather his attitude and perspective.

In an open letter to all the bullies in his life, Connor Williams publicly thanked them.

“Honestly, I don't know how I could have accomplished what I have so far without your teasing, without your isolation, without your rumor-mongering, your harassment, your beatings, your constant torment,” said Connor. “I've come a long way from those dark days. And I truly owe it all to you.”

I, too, personally know the pain of being made fun of growing up overweight. It always amazed me at how ruthless some kids could be with their words.

It was not until after college that I decided to make a positive change in my life and get serious about my weight. I will never know what it feels like to play in the NFL, but I can certainly appreciate Connor’s sentiments.

Being bullied can leave a lasting impact on your life if you allow it. Like Connor, there is a part of me that is thankful it happened.

We each have a choice to make when faced with difficulty. We can run from it, hide from it, or fight it. We can seek meaning in why it is happening, or we can outright dismiss it.

The challenges we face do not define us. It is the decisions we make in light of the challenges that do.

Human beings are perfectly imperfect. We are all guilty of sin in some form or fashion. We are all capable of being both the bully and the person being bullied.

Everyone makes mistakes, although not all mistakes are equal. The Lord knows I have made plenty of my own.

But our moments of challenge can lead to strength. Like Connor, we can use our hardships and make something out of them. That is, if we have the right mindset.

I have noticed a distinct change in the way some people see themselves lately. A victim mentality has crept in. Too often people quickly try to come off as such, but it is not genuine.

Real victims do exist in this world, and we should try to help right the wrongs. However, there are many situations such as Connor’s where we can face everything and rise.

The choice is ours. How will you respond?

by Adam Ulbricht